Sometimes I lay my head on the pillow at night and wonder where on earth the day another day managed to pass with still so many things on my to-do list?I try to rationalize by reminding myself of the progress I have made ~ the little things I accomplished that day to be present, to be ...
DIY Balance Beam
Recently we tackled the construction of a DIY Balance Beam for my daughter's 9th birthday.Purple, no less :)Following is a detailed step-by-step guide as to how we went about building it. **Note: This project does involve cutting and welding steel. If you have a husband who loves to build things, ...
School Days Begin
Gabriel, Isaac and Amaya ~Oh, how my heart overflows with love for you three. Today began another year of homeschool, another season of Bible reading and memorization, Latin prefixes, cone and sphere volumes, multiplication tables, rises and falls of empires, synthesis of atoms and molecules, ...
O’ Christmas Tree
"It's the Most...Wonderful Time....of the Year....!!"Dear Lord, please help me remember this as I look at my December calendar and begin to feel anxiety welling up within me. I long for a Christmas season full of evenings building puzzles with my family, apple cider brewing on the stove, calm ...
Making “MERRY”
Wow, it's been awhile since I've written. Funny thing is, blog post ideas continually roll through my mind on a daily basis - a condition I'm convinced is consistent with bloggers everywhere.Even Mr. Wonderful is known to throw out on occasional, "This would be a good blog post!"Now if only I had ...
Girls Weekend in Kenai
I'm heading to Kenai for the weekend to celebrate a birthday with my what-seems-like life-long friend, Shelli. So excited because she has a Keurig machine, a very quiet house, and HGTV. Does it get any better than that?? As I head out the door today, I look around and see so many unfinished ...
A Reformed Martha Cleans her Drapes
As I cleaned house last Friday, a segment from the book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World (Joanna Weaver) came to mind. You see, I spent a lengthy amount of time Friday vacuuming my living room drapes. Don't get me wrong: this is not something I do often. As a matter of fact, Friday was ...
Pink & Yellow Hutch
Hi ya'll ~ It's taken me awhile to reveal my pink and yellow hutch because I've been waiting to complete an important detail, specifically this: See that moulding detail way up top? Originally, I acquired this hutch with that piece missing, as you can see here. I knew I'd need help from Mr. ...