Although All Mimsy Home’s mission is to empower you to create beautiful spaces, behind all the pretty home interior photos and household projects there is a real, honest-to-goodness family that is growing, changing, adjusting, and accommodating one another on a daily basis.
We are a foster family.
Our foster journey began in September of 2014 when a family member experienced a difficult time and her children needed a place to land. Our family of five said yes to a 9-year-old nephew and his two sisters, ages 6 and 3. Our own children were 14, 13, and 9 at the time.

The foster children remained with us for 9 months, and in the midst of schooling, Perler beads, rambunctious suppers, and heaps of laundry, we solidified bonds that will last a lifetime. As difficult as it was, those precious children returned to their mom in July of 2015, and our family of five returned to a somewhat normal routine.
That is until December 2018, when all three children ~ this time aged 13, 10, and 8 ~ moved back in. Their youngest sister, aged 4, joined them. Overnight, we grew once again from a family of five to a family of nine.

It’s been a wild, emotional, loving ride.
The first few months were filled with doctor appointments, dentist visits, immunizations, caseworker meetings, licensing paperwork, and home inspections. We made the decision to bring me back home from teaching school to stabilize the home environment and keep the home flowing smoothly with all the extra busyness.
And this is where we swing back to All Mimsy Home’s focus on home design:
Fireman and I have been busy rethinking spaces in our home to accommodate the extra bodies, belongings, and food a family of nine requires. I look forward to taking you along on our journey as a foster family!
Be watching for Foster Family tags throughout the blog where I share our space challenges and solutions, meal planning, details on the foster care & licensing system, and glimpses into the daily life of a large family. I trust you will be inspired and educated throughout our fostering journey, especially if fostering is something you have considered as a family.